A Self-Invested Personal Pension is a personal pension fund which an individual can use to make their own investments in shares, commercial property (instead of solely relying on the skill of investment fund managers).
A Self-Invested Personal Pension is a personal pension fund which an individual can use to make their own investments in shares, commercial property (instead of solely relying on the skill of investment fund managers).
You can appoint an Independent Financial Adviser as the Servicing Agent for a product. The Product Provider will usually take instructions from, copy correspondence and may pay commission to that firm (if applicable). Product Providers only allow one firm to be Servicing Agent at a time. Unless you specify otherwise, this will be the firm
A financial product paid for by one, rather than a series of regular, payments.
The company which sets up a pension scheme for their employees.
An investment contract can be thought of as having two parts: the tax wrapper and the underlying investment. The tax wrapper determines how the underlying investments are treated by HM Revenue & Customs. ISAs and pensions are different examples of tax wrapper.
A pension scheme used by an employer to comply with the workplace pension regulations. It will usually be a qualifying scheme into which eligible workers are automatically enrolled.
An administration service which allows you to hold a wide range of underlying investments and tax wrappers together in one place.